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Redesign of Mac Power Users Podcast

Although the topic of the episode was Stephen’s insane collection of different Macintoshes, I was more focused on the announcement of the MPU podcast redesign.

There weren’t any drastic changes. They replaced the introduction music from Audio Jungle and the sounds before and after the ad read. Furthermore, there’s a new logo, but I don’t have much to say about it other than it’s now orange instead of green.

The old Audio Jungle music was more energetic than the new one, especially when played at almost double the speed. Since Stephen and David both speak slowly, I listen to them at 1.75x speed. Initially, I thought I was listening to MPU at 2x speed, but I realized it was probably a guest on the show who spoke a little faster than the hosts, prompting me to decrease the speed slightly. I have an upcoming post about listening to podcasts at increased speed, so stay tuned!

I’ve been listening to MPU for several years, and while I’ll certainly get used to the new Audio Jungle music, it won’t be the same without the energy from the old one.

Week #5

This week on the blog, I made several changes and modifications. Let’s dive in!


The Talk Show : Ep. 398, With John Moltz

At the start of the show, John Gruber mentioned that before Apple used to share how many units of Macs they had sold, etc. Apple nerds complained that Apple didn’t divide it by different models and price ranges. Nowadays, Apple doesn’t share any information.

It’s strange to look back and see that users complained that the information was not detailed enough, when now you don’t get any information at all. I guess this is one of those ‘appreciate what you have’ moments, and it was better in the good old days.

Canva acquires Affinity apps in multi-million dollar deal

It’s a sad reality when small indie products are purchased by large players. I haven’t used Affinity products for personal reasons. However, I’ve read a lot of positive feedback about their products, and I assume that after being acquired, both the software quality and pricing model will change negatively.

Week #4

Inline predictive text was introduced in macOS Sonoma. Over the last few weeks, I have become increasingly irritated by the suggestions on macOS. While using VoiceOver, this feature is annoying because it causes VoiceOver speech to hang up. When typing, if suggestions come up, VoiceOver provides no feedback.

Following this easy guide, I was able to turn it off and continue writing as before.

Until next week!